Monday, 10 August 2020

kiora Hokitika

 He mihi tēnei ki nga tamariki o te kura tuatahi

o Hokitika.Ka mihi hoki ki o koutou kaiako

a Hakui mā, ki te whakanui a Matariki 

He tino ataahua o koutou waiata, he tino

miharo hoki to koutou haka. 


Monday, 3 August 2020

the end

The year 2999 the start of the apocalypse
I was just coming back from work when it
happened the bomb that started it no one
knew where it came from but they knew
it was bad not knowing what to do millions
of lives were erased from the word only
some were left to survive luckily I was one
of them but traumatized I just wanted to
leave so I could get away from this dreadful
place that was no longer called earth in a
panic I asked anyone for help to be rid
of this memory and I found that help eventually.

He took me in to begin project ultra halfway
through the project, something went wrong
and sooner or later I knew it was going to
happen I tried to warn the man that took
me but he had other words and said everything
will be fine but then it happened the device
broke and I was obliterated but something
else happened to me I became immortal 

At that moment I was infuriated I wanted to
forget this memory but now I have to live
with it as I tried to find the man who did it
all a found was a half-dead man it was the
man as I shouted WHO ARE YOU there was
no response all he said was I have blessed
you with this gift in raged I pierced a hole through
his body with my fist. that was 2000 years ago 
and now to this day I still try to get rid of this curse


July 24th the day of our Matariki
Festival, it started around 4 pm,
most of the workers had showed
up. Myself, David and Natal were
running the popcorn stand and it
was better than you would think.
We got to popping as people started
to arrive but unfortunately, we didn’t
have many customers but that was fine.
So at that point, Natal and I  bought fry bread. 

We decided to go and wander around
the sports hub having a good time with
friends but as time passed the Kapa haka
groups started to perform I had returned
to the popcorn stand to witness the smell
of burnt popcorn. Just as I was about to
get back to work Jon-lee informed me
that we had to perform.

After a couple of songs, it was Hokitika
Primary Schools turn. During the night
people started to vanish but then after
Hokitika Primary was finished, we closed
out the night with one last song as table
packed up, people knew that the night was over finally,
it was wrapped up with a karakia.
I hitched a ride with Tiare back to my

Tino Rangatiratanga

This is the Tino Rangatiratanga flag it was
designed in 1999 it represents the separation
of Ranginui and Papatuanuku. The
black represents Ranginui and
the red represents Papatuanuku and the koru
represents Te ao Marama and
it flew ten years ago for the
first time on the Auckland harbor
bridge and at Parliament.