Friday, 16 August 2019

panui whakatauki

kia ora koutou katoa.
ko Zion ahau !!

kei te kura tuarua o hokitika ahau i tenei rangi kei te ako ahau me te pehea te mahi whakararau i tetahi taupanga kukara ki tetahi rangitaki


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora zion !
    Your whakatauki is Fantastic!
    I like how on the top of your whakatauki is Bold so you can see it better..
    I think that maybe a diffrent font for the english would be easier to see:)

  3. I mōhio anō koe i piki ake maunga?

  4. He aha i … ai ...u put that background

  5. Kiaora e Zion, He whakatauki tino pai tenei, Ka taea e koe ki te mahi e maha o nga mea tino pai! no reira kia Hari koa to wa, Kia kaha tonu


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